Coworking and Event Space
New Year, New(ish) You

New Year, New(ish) You

Ed Note: We always love when our member Jessie Kanzer can contribute to the HudCo Journal! Jessie reports on all things that bolster your physical and mental well-being. As the new year begins, millions of Americans choose goals or take actions in hopes of becoming...
A Local’s List—Rivertown Walks and Hikes

A Local’s List—Rivertown Walks and Hikes

While I may have started posting my daily walks on Instagram during the pandemic, I’ve been at it for years. (Well, if I’m being honest, not always daily, but as often as possible.) I find that aside from the obvious—it’s good exercise and get your steps in—it’s also...
Photo Gallery: Conversation on Cannabis

Photo Gallery: Conversation on Cannabis

Take a moment to appreciate the uniqueness of an entire new, massive business sector being developed and implemented right before our very eyes. There are people out there taking an immense underground, unregulated, and unjust industry and transforming it into...
Meet Leslie Woodward of Edenesque

Meet Leslie Woodward of Edenesque

Growing up in a church community in Detroit, Michigan, it was a common occurrence for Leslie Woodward to accompany her grandmother to funerals and hospital visits for her fellow church congregants. Most of these congregants suffered from “the sugar”—also known as...