Coworking and Event Space


Mother’s Day Market

by | Apr 25, 2021

We’re bringing together local mothers—who are also makers!—to come share their wares at what we’re lovingly calling the Mother’s Day Market. For three days, come to the HudCo Atrium to procure special, locally made gifts for either yourself or a momma in your orbit.

It’s our pleasure to introduce you to these local Maker Mamas and share their stories. It’s so much more rewarding to purchase from people you know, right? Discover which maker was formerly a social worker and who loves neon and glitter paint (although, really, who doesn’t).

Oh, and a bonus: Purchase an item from the market and receive a HudCo day pass to enjoy yourself or gift. Limited to one pass per customer.

When: Wednesday, May 5 through Friday, May 7; 9a-6p
Where: HudCo Atrium

The Lineup:
Adonia Floral Design, @adoniafloraldesign
A D’Zine, @adzineny
The Modern Loom, @themodernloomnyc
Sara Joy Accessories, @shopsarajoy
Tony B Handbags, @tonyb.ny
and, of course,
Picture Book, @picturebookny