Our focus for HudCo Helps this month is Lady Earth herself. To help our favorite planet breathe a little easier, we want to find ways to reduce carbon emissions and clear the air. So we’re helping out with the Feet on the Street campaign—a collaboration for Earth Month led by Sustainable Dobbs along with Our Streets Dobbs Ferry, the Village of Dobbs Ferry, and the Dobbs Ferry Traffic Committee. (PS: You can find MANY a HudCo member within those local groups!)
To encourage you to get your feet on the street (or trails or bike pedals, etc) this crew of volunteers have organized entertaining and family-friendly events throughout the month, so mark your calendars and grease your gears!

Play Streets
Sunday, April 18, 2-5pm
Bellewood Avenue or Price Street
Our Streets Dobbs Ferry and the Westchester Youth Congress have put together these low-traffic street closures for biking, rolling, and playing. Families are hitting the streets with their favorite set of wheels and street games, including skateboarding tutorials and chalk art.
By piloting Play Streets this spring with village support, Our Streets plans to establish an easy system for other neighborhoods to host play streets on an ongoing, recurring basis — with the goal to create safe, joyful experiences for all children on public streets and sidewalks. PS: A local teen is running an informal skateboarding lesson at 3:30p at the Bellewood Play Street!

Zoom Trivia Night with 511NY RideShare
Tuesday, April 20, 7-8pm
Calling all sustainability and transportation enthusiasts, commuters, and anyone interested in learning more about commuting sustainably!
Sustainable Dobbs and the Village of Dobbs Ferry Traffic Committee invite you to join us for a virtual Transportation Trivia Night, featuring a short presentation on sustainable transportation from the 511NY Rideshare Hudson Valley Team. Zoom link will be provided upon registration.

Ditch Your Car, Dobbs Ferry!
Saturday, April 24, 4-6pm
Cedar & Palisade Parking Lot
It’s a BYOW event (Bring Your Own Wheels). Join us with your favorite set of non-carbon-emitting wheels at the parking lot at the corner of Cedar and Palisade Street (up the hill from HudCo!) for:
E-bike demonstrations (featuring Sleek E-Bikes of Tarrytown)
Skateboarding basics
Bike decorating
Bike parade for kids
Afterwards, swing by downtown Dobbs Ferry for drinks, bites, or retail therapy at support one of our fantastic local businesses!
Looking to volunteer to support this event? We’re helping to recruit! Help set-up or take-down, time the races, or teach skateboarding basics.