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Community | Wellness

The Interview— Anabell Ciuffardi, Hypnotherapist

by | Aug 26, 2024

Photographs by Rodrigo Cid

Welcoming one of HudCo’s newest wellness members, Anabell Ciuffardi of More Love More Magic, an integrative wellness practice that specializes in hypnotherapy and mindful meditation to help achieve a more positive mindset through subconscious healing. Anabell’s restorative talents are not limited to her profession, her calm, collected demeanor and inviting aura has shined through since she has joined the HudCo community. We couldn’t think of a better way to welcome Anabell to the community than to have her share her story in her own words.

To start off, give us a quick background about yourself—where you are from, some of your interests and hobbies.

I live in Nyack, New York, and am originally from Peru. I am a hypnotherapist, mindfulness meditation teacher, and a creative. Some of my interests include writing short stories, painting, being in nature, and those who know me well would say that I love to learn.

Getting Personal

Outside of work and aside from meditation techniques relative to your profession, what are some of your favorite ways to relax and wind down?

I love spending time at the park, hanging out in my hammock and reading a good book.

What brought you to the Rivertowns?

I love the HudCo space. It’s such an awesome spot with really amazing people. It’s truly a gem, and they have done an incredible job creating this space.

anabell ciuffardi hudco

A Second Career

Before you began your career was there anything in specific that inspired you to pursue hypnotherapy and mindful meditation professionally?

Before becoming a hypnotherapist, I worked as a creative director in New York. I delved into meditation, hypnosis, and NLP during a difficult time in my life when I felt lost and hopeless. Working with these modalities allowed me to overcome PTSD, anxiety, and a critical mindset. Through that journey, I realized that we are not defined by the stories that happened to us—we are so much more than that. We have the ability to tap into our subconscious, rewire the stories that hold us back, and step into being expansive.

What should someone expect during their first hypnotherapy session?

Hypnosis is a state akin to sleep, characterized by focused attention, deep concentration, and heightened awareness. Milton Erickson, a prominent hypnotist and psychiatrist, described it as ‘simply communication with the mind—a period where you concentrate solely on your own thoughts, values, memories, and beliefs about life.’

During your first session, we’ll discuss your goals, concerns, and what you’d like to achieve through hypnosis. I guide you into a relaxed state, helping you to access the subconscious mind where behaviors, habits, and memories are stored. This process allows you to uncover valuable insights, challenge limiting beliefs, and overcome various obstacles.

You can expect to feel deeply relaxed, yet fully aware and in control throughout the session. Many people describe the experience as similar to a daydream or a meditative state. After the session, you may feel refreshed and gain new perspectives that support your personal growth and healing.

Everyday Tips

Do you have any tips to help people with integrating mindfulness into their day-to-day routine in the face of a busy lifestyle?

Yes, and it usually only takes five minutes. I start my day with a gratitude journal. I write down why I am grateful for my practice, my partner, my friends, and my family. It’s important to write the reasons why. By detailing why you are grateful, you actively direct your attention away from stressors or problems. This shift in focus can help train your subconscious to prioritize positive experiences and outcomes. It can gradually alter your default mindset from one of negativity to one of appreciation and optimism.

Are there any specific circumstances that you tend to find the combination of hypnosis and meditation particularly helpful?

Hypnosis and meditation both involve altered states of consciousness but serve different purposes. Meditation typically aims to clear the mind, often through focusing on the breath or a mantra to release busy thoughts. In contrast, hypnosis intentionally directs your thoughts toward a specific goal or outcome, using imagination to foster new possibilities and instigate change. Although one doesn’t naturally enter a meditative state like hypnosis, it is possible to transition between the two practices depending on their definitions.

For instance, meditation can be used as a preparatory step before hypnosis, helping to calm the mind and body, making it easier to enter a hypnotic state. Conversely, hypnosis can deepen a meditative practice by guiding the mind toward specific insights or healing. Despite their distinct objectives, both meditation and hypnosis promote mind-body coherence, activate the parasympathetic nervous system, and enhance overall well-being. They can be particularly effective when used together in situations where relaxation, stress reduction, or overcoming mental blocks are the primary goals.

This combination can also be valuable in reinforcing positive habits and behaviors, as the meditative state helps cultivate mindfulness while hypnosis directs this mindful awareness toward meaningful change.

To finish off, leave us with a particular moment or testimonial from a client that made you feel the most rewarded in your work.

I find it rewarding to work with all my clients. Witnessing their transformations—seeing desires and goals that might typically take months or even years to achieve come to fruition in a much shorter period—is incredibly fulfilling.

To celebrate the grand opening of her location at HudCo, Anabell is offering a complimentary first session for her services until September 6. Visit Anabell’s website to complete a quick intake form and get the opportunity to experience the transformative power of hypnotherapy firsthand.