Do you venture into the city often? If so, what does your ideal day look like?
I love going for long walks on the West Side Highway, shopping in Soho, taking my son to the Lego Store and going out for city date nights with my husband or girlfriends.
What are you listening to right now? Do you have a go-to workout playlist?
I’m listening to Ben Howard and Lady Gaga. I normally create my own playlists and then use them for my classes and client sessions.
I know you were formally a figure skater for the Canadian Nation team—was there a particular experience through this that inspired your career path?
Being an athlete growing up inspired my passion for the human body. I am interested in both how it performs and how it recovers. Whether or not you are an athlete, there are ways we can move our body better to help daily performance as a human both on a physical and mental level. We all have different seasons in our life with our bodies, and exercise can be very different during these seasons.
I can apply very gentle, therapeutic based exercises, or I can deliver a tough strength and conditioning program. It also made me respect how important recovery is from both exercise and the stress of life. It is really important to take time to recalibrate our nervous system.

Tell us a little more about your classes. What inspired you to develop the Faison Method, and how does it differ from other training methodologies?
The goal of the Faison Method is to provide a bespoke approach to your exercise and fitness experience. The method is backed by expert knowledge in the art and science of healing, rehab, and fitness in both mind and body.
What makes it unique compared to other methodologies is that it blends multiple forms of training and movement, ranging from yoga, functional training, strength, and conditioning, to mobility and fascial stretch therapy (FST), in order to create the most optimal personal training programs and classes.
You’ve worked with world-renowned doctors, physical therapists, and nutritionists. What’s one piece of advice you’ve learned from collaborating with experts in different fields?
It’s made me more aware of how important it is to take care of the whole self, and that adopting self-care strategies is a lifelong gift that we can give ourselves.
How has becoming a parent influenced your approach to wellness and training?
It has made me more efficient. I really respect people’s time and when I teach a class or coach a client, I want the session to be as efficient as possible. It has also made me value the mini workouts. We may not always have time for an hour-long workout, but those mini workouts help you stay connected with your body and keep you consistent in your practice.