
The Interview: Matthew Diament, Esq.

By Christy Knell
July 11, 2022

Photographs by Rodrigo Cid

Next time we host a social hour, keep an eye out for a bearded fellow emitting a smooth, mellow energy—that’s Matthew Diament, a long-time HudCo member who enjoys a good end-of-day chat with someone new. Matt’s an attorney with the Robert Legal Group (along with fellow member Jay Robert!), and lives in Tarrytown with his wife and two daughters. Let’s get to know him a little better, shall we?

So you’re a lawyer! What type of law do you practice?
I am a lawyer! My main practice areas are estate planning (wills and trusts) guardianships, estates, elder law and special needs planning. Our firm works with families (especially those with young children) to make sure they have in place the proper estate planning documents should a tragedy arise. I know parents don’t want to think about this but they need to! We also work with the elderly and those with special needs to ensure they have proper access to health care.

Why did you choose that profession? Is it everything you thought it would be?
My decision to pursue law school came from a place of idealism. I wanted to assist individuals pursue a better life. There was no specific focus at that point. I wound up working for a law school classmates’ family firm. Spending my days helping those in need was very rewarding. That classmate is my business partner Jay Robert (fellow HudCo member and Dobbs resident) and I am truly grateful that we are able to do what we do on a daily basis.

If you could spend your whole day doing something else, what would it be?
So many options! If I have to pin it down it would be playing poker professionally. It was always a dream of mine and though it never worked out I can always play for hours on end.

What are your favorite places to go around here?
My favorite place to take the kids is TASH (Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow Farmers Market). It is a built-in meal, social gathering and playground all in one place. Not to mention all the great produce! My wife and I love exploring Rockefeller State Preserve and walking to our favorite restaurants on Main Street in Tarrytown.

How did you land in the Rivertowns? What brought you here?
Our second daughter was due, and we were living in a one-bedroom in Queens. It was time to get closer to family and have a more spacious and peaceful environment. We were lucky to make that move right before the pandemic, and we could not be happier in Ttown.

What have you been watching/listening to/reading lately?
I have been on a kick of reading/listening to dense histories of humanity. I just finished Guns Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond and am now onto Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. The kids have embraced Bill Withers and Neil Young so they are often blasting in the house these days (along with Encanto of course).

What do you like to do for exercise/mental health/well-being?
I love to play tennis and try to make that happen when I can. I run for exercise, but saying I like it would be a stretch! For relaxation and mental health I tend to my garden and try to meditate regularly.