
Meet These New Members

By Christy Knell
March 19, 2023

What do you get when a sommelier, an acapella singer, and a humor writer walk into an office? Apparently, you get this batch of new HudCo members. Without such interesting people as these, all we have is a big space full of neutral-colored furniture. Make sure to say ‘hi’ when you see these fun people around the workspace.

Teresa Abbate

Resides in: Dobbs Ferry 
Profession & company: My full time role is Senior Content Designer at Morningstar, but I also moonlight as a freelance writer/editor and I do digital content strategy consulting. (LinkedIn)
Favorite local business: Shoutout to Sweet and Savory for always having tasty, healthy lunch options that leave me feeling good about doing takeout!
What excites you most about HudCo?
I work remotely so overall, I’m excited to meet more folks in my community through HudCo. I’m especially looking forward to connecting with fellow career-oriented moms. My first baby is due at the end of May, and I can use all the advice or tips I can get!
Fun fact: I’ve been a vegetarian for over 20 years and I’m always happy to chat with folks about how to creatively bring more veggies into their diets. I was a member of the Hastings CSA last year, and I’ve found that CSAs a great way to try new veggies and support local farms.

Janine Annett

Resides in: Hastings-on-Hudson
Profession & company: I’m a writer. I’m the author of the humor book I Am “Why Do I Need Venmo” Years Old and my writing has also been published in places like McSweeney’s, The New Yorker, The New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. I’m currently trying to work on a humorous novel (and perhaps a tragicomic memoir-ish type project). I also do content writing/copywriting and I teach writing—most recently, I’ve been teaching humor writing at the Writing Institute at Sarah Lawrence College. You can find me on my website and on social media: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook 
Favorite local business: One of my favorite local businesses is the Refill Room in Hastings-on-Hudson. I’m friends with the owners, Heather and Jaclyn, and I just love their whole philosophy (and the great products they sell). I also have to give a shoutout to my favorite local cafe, the Good Witch in Hastings-on-Hudson. They have great coffee and they have bathrooms. I do not understand places that sell coffee (a diuretic!!!!) and won’t let you use the bathroom.
What you’re reading: The book I keep telling everyone about lately is Griefstrike! The Ultimate Guide to Mourning by Jason Roeder. You wouldn’t think a book about grief can be funny, but this one is. I love it (probably because I like to process everything, even difficult things, through the lens of humor).
Fun fact:
I’m obsessed with my dog, a Wheaten Terrier named Murray—and so is everyone else who meets him. Wheatens are known for giving the “Wheaten Greetin’” so if you ever meet Murray, he’ll greet you very enthusiastically.

Bailey Self

Resides in: Rye
Profession: Communications Manager at Muck Rack (Instagram, Twitter)
Favorite local business: I am new to the Dobbs Ferry area so that would have to be HudCo 😉 I welcome any and all recommendations because I love exploring new places!
What excites you most about HudCo? The community! After working out of some great coworking spaces while living in NYC, I wanted to find something that felt similar in vibe and community. I tested out a ton of spaces and this one is definitely one of a kind in Westchester.
Fun fact about yourself: I am originally from Oklahoma City.

Josh Springer

Resides in: Hastings-on-Hudson 
Profession & Company: Associate Search Director at Greater Than One (Instagram)
Favorite local business: Huge shoutout to Penny Lick Ice Cream in Hastings. A pint of S’mores is the way to go!
Favorite tip for staying focused: Music helps me stay focused throughout the day. Lofi Girl’s “lofi hip hop radio” on YouTube and Spotify is a must-listen!
Fun fact: I was part of an acappella group that was featured in the Season 2 premiere of Gotham on FOX, performed live for Demi Lovato on Z100, and won regional acappella competitions. Think “Pitch Perfect,” but in real life!

Hannah Williams

Resides in: Dobbs Ferry (very local!) 
Profession & Company: Beverage Director of Blue Hill at Stone Barns
Favorite local business: Bloomy is the greatest thing to ever happen in Dobbs Ferry. Thanks, Jess!
Favorite tip for staying focused: Noise canceling headphones, ‘Piano Chill’ playlist of Apple Music, and lots of colorful pens and highlighters to get me through hours of studying and drawing maps.
Current media favorites: I can never get enough of Armchair Expert as a podcast, and I recently read Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow and it fed my soul. Such a good read.
What excites you most about HudCo? The sense of purpose that everyone has working here, and how everyone seems to be a master of their craft.
Fun fact about yourself: I was actually a HudCo member in 2019 when I was studying for my Advanced Sommelier Exam. This was my haven for productivity, and I think it was one of the biggest factors in me passing my exam. Now I am gearing up to take my Master Sommelier Exam, which only 172 people have ever passed in America… and only 25 women. I am nervous/scared/pumped to take attempt this almost impossible exam next May! We desperately need more women in the upper echelon of the wine world, and I finally have the space in my professional and personal life to go for it.